Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries





"Community members question ‘initial impression’ of suicide after black man found hanged at Palmdale park | " "Opioid addict veteran killed himself after doctor at hospital refused to help " "Texas Suicide Prevention Know the Signs Save a Life." "Woman Jumps From Hotel Lands on Pedestrian 1/17/16 I THINK the NAME of the HOLLYWOOD MOVIE "SUICIDE SQUAD" is INAPPROPRIATE. DON'T GLORIFY DEATH ESP SUICIDE 12/22/13 HOW TO HELP PREVENT SUICIDES ABOUT THE SIN OF SUICIDE Australian TV personality Charlotte Dawson commits suicide Brittany Maynard California assisted suicde California politicans phone #'s Couple who made suicide pact hugged before lying on train tracks: DIFFICULT TO DISCUSS b/c THEY THINK UR SUICIDAL IF U SAY THE WORD SUICIDE GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE SUICIDE HEARTWRENCHING MAN & WIFE JUMP TO DEATH Man helped hundreds of 9/11 rescuers International Association for Suicide Prevention JERRY LEWIS JULIA roberts LA County fire captain found dead Our young people need to be back in school with peers Postman alleged to be behind online suicide Re American Foundation for Suicide Prevention SB 128 ASSISTED suicide California defeated Veterans Crisis Line Suicide Prevention Hotline Chat & Text affect of psychiatric drugs cchr child euthanasia netherlands erin brockovich exceptional warriors he encouraged a 13-year-old girl to kill herself india farmers kevin theriot "FUTURE" CONFERENCE lyle lovett mental health for everybody mountain states suicide belt nancy motes oc register paula cooper death row pretty woman sb128 stop soldier suicide van vleck Jackson hole

After Suicide

Sunday, June 5, 2016

PRAY4 MARIA & MOTHER HAVING SUICIDAL THOUGHTS"Jun 3rd National Prayer Bank Prayer Requests"


National Prayer Bank Prayer Requests
Jun 3rd | Please join us in prayer.  Click here to go to the prayer page.

New Prayer Request
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1 Prayers for
Going back to school
by Michelle B. at 6:14 PM on Mon 5/23/2016
I would like to go back to school and get a Master's Degree in a program that will lead to a good high paying career but I am having trouble in that regards.  I look at taking the GRE exam with a bit of fear.  I doubt my abilties to take and pass the Math section of the GRE.  The government has changed the rules for student loans where you need to maintain a 3.0 in order to keep your student loans and remain enrolled in the program and I have concerns about my abilities to do so.  Please pray for me that I will be able to go back to school and graduate and get a job in a high paying career.  Please pray that I am able to start a graduate program this year and next.

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1 Prayers for
condemnation and accusation
by debbie r. at 2:29 PM on Sat 5/28/2016
the rest of condemnation and accusation is NOT what i want to be forced into. i am a prisioner of the boys club. they have taken me as a possession through electronic means. furthermore my child has been abducted, confiscation of income from my rental property and destruction of my personal property has been their order of the day since 2011 and before. i declare restore.

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1 Prayers for
reunite a broken relationship
by Mark L. at 8:46 PM on Sat 5/28/2016
Please pray for the reuniting of my long time significant other and myself. Please pray for a speedy resolve of  this issue and allow us to get back together, I love her with all my heart and miss her tremendously. She is having some internal struggles with anger and communication skills. She is being very cruel as she has been giving the silent treatment and will not communicate about the issues. Please pray that she will open her heart and be able feel the love that we have for each other  and that her heart will warn at the thoughts of being reunited and that we can have a chance to rekindle the relationship. My name is Mark and my significant others name is Tammy.  "Please oh please God, put into motion the circumstances that will lead us back into each others arms". Thank you so much for your prayers!!!! They are so desperately needed !!!!

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6 Prayers for
next chemo treatment June 9th
by Joan M. at 10:18 AM on Sun 5/29/2016
Only after effects so far - weakness. Dr is very pleased with how two meds are working.  Tumors seem to be getting smaller.  GOD is good and thank you for continued prayers.

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10 Prayers for
Zach, Lesley, Bianca
Continued prayer of restoration of my family
by Lesley B. at 9:06 PM on Sun 5/29/2016
Lord it has been 8 weeks now since everything came crashing down around us and I am still persisting in this prayer of restoration for my family. Father You have given me whispers of grace as renewal and I have poured out my heart to you on this matter and I am trying to learn to wait on your promises. I pray you bring Zach to a place of full surrender in his life in order for You to do a great work within his heart. Me and Bianca miss him greatly and even though the situation we face seems impossible you are God over all and this is the exact situation you love to display your grace and strength in! Father let me have a breakthrough so I can praise your name loudly for all to hear! I pray for all those who have joined with me in prayer over this matter and have not let us give up hope. In Jesus name I plead the blood of Christ over this family! Lift up our names! God has shown me He is at work I pray for the trust, patience, and strength to wait on this promise. 

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11 Prayers for
finances, guidance, direction and healing
by Kyla H. at 4:24 AM on Tue 5/31/2016
I just ask for prayer for my financial situation. My family needs a divine intervention and I have faith that God knows my heart and will answer. 

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14 Prayers for
by Shellyanne at 12:18 PM on Tue 5/31/2016
Allot has been happening in my family recently. Since we had the hail storm, we got the car back okay. The company who fixed it did an amazing job. About two weeks later, my husband took it to work, that Friday night, he couldn't get it to start. At the time he called a really bad, storm came through. It was fast and strong, knocking down power lines, so I couldn't talk to him on the  I said phone. After the storm, I called my husband back, let him know that I would find him a ride.He was wanting to do a cab. That was a long cab ride.  Expensive to, which I told him no, to wait...he did. After a few discouraging phone texts, no one was able to. Or wanted to help. So I tested my friend, and told her what was going on, she came and got me, than we let Tim know, we were on the way. We got there 30 minutes later, to see my husband waiting in the hot sun soak and wet from sweating. Even while waiting in the car. He said that he called the insurance company for a tow truck. Two hours later, still no truck. We called the dispatcher, and they said, another,1/2 to 3 hours. We said forget it. My friends boy friend, is a mechanic, he thought it was the battery. Well we went to AA... and bought a new one. We drove back to the prison, to change the battery. Still wouldn't turn over. We went home, now dark, and hungry. I didn't eat. I went to bed. The next morning, the previous owner where we stayed at, appolojized for not helping us. She was upset that no one helped us that night. Well, that day her and her husband, took us back to the car. Her husband had brought a trailer to get the car on it. I am thinking how, will he get it on there?? I kept feeling something, I was in the truck, with the air on...e was pulling the car up the ramp, with his bare hands using chains..I thought ,oh wow!!! He finally got it up...After 30 minutes. I was amazed!!!! He got the car home, during this time we were moving into an RV that this same couple got for us... though through my son, I has her ways of figuring things out...So this same incredible hulk, man, worked on the car, as he is a mechanic also, fully equipped one. Said it was the starter... he took the starter apart...Said it needed rebuilding, I thought how???Any way, Monday morning it was fixed!!! We moved all day Sunday, with this family helping us. They brought over every heavy thing we own. We did the small things. We wanted to clean it, but the daughter said she had planned to do the cleaning, we fought over it, but she got her way. We are now in our owned, RV...We own it...We are blessed to have it to...We are now living in an RV park, really nice and small. Summer Breeze RV Park....Okeechobee, Florida...Praise God for how things worked out!!!

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6 Prayers for
new job
by Tammy at 9:09 AM on Wed 6/1/2016
Dear Lord, Thank you for this new opportunity to work for a nursing home in Michigan. I know lord if I can be trusted with little you will bless me with something bigger, Plaese help me to make the decision and bless it to go back to  school soon. Thank you Lord Jesus for all youe blessings in my life. Amen

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5 Prayers for
Brandin and Jelica
by Jelica P. at 11:50 AM on Wed 6/1/2016
I am praying for my future husband, Brandin. I thank you, God first that you revealed that to me, Brandin, and our families but Jesus please cover this powerful man of God. Help him to set his eyes on you and submit into the purpose you have for him. I pray that he plans to remain sexually pure until marriage. I pray as well that Brandin and I marry in the time you desire us to be married. Not before nor after. I know that Brandin and I are very young but i pray that you mature us divinely and place your wisedom in our minds and hearts so we can cultivate our relationship with holiness that is beyond our years. I am asking you please Jesus that it won't be 18 years from now or even 13 years when Brandin and I marry. Jesus I am personally asking that in 4 years we'll be in love, married, and totally within your perfect Will. God you said that you have placed us together so young for your special purpose. You have a purpose in our young love. Jesus I am asking you to manifest that purpose clearly to us both now. Dear God show us both that it is your Will for us to be together even through other people you place in our lives. Help us to truly appreciate each other, develop a very strong and healthy communciation between us and a love that is both true and agelesss. I pray we begin to see how well we fit together, how extraordinary our feelings really are for one another. I pray all selfishness on both of our parts is rebuked in Jesus name and broken. Please Lord help Brandin to submit and not rebel against your purpose. I know what you have planned for him is scary but I pray he accepts your call and his heart's desire is aligned with what you desired for him first since the beginning of time. Equip me to be the wife Brandin needs as a man of God. Make Brandin more like king David, a man truly after your own heart. And make me into a proverbs 31 woman encapaturing and pleasing your own heart first and my husband's heart second.
In Jesus name.

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17 Prayers for
Prayer for permanent job - contract ends June 2016 and have been temp for 5 years.
by chrissy t. at 6:39 PM on Wed 6/1/2016
please pray job ends June. Can not be unemployed. Really really stressing. Have been on contract for over 5 years. Please pray for a miracle. I need a permanent job as have  mortgage and family. I am stressing as everyone around me gets permanent and i am always struggling. I dont know what god is teaching me to trust him I do. But I need a break, I need to know that I have a job and not be a slave to my Employer who always mistreat me. Please help.

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19 Prayers for
by BERNIE T. at 10:15 PM on Wed 6/1/2016

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13 Prayers for
I believe in You, Lord
by Lydia A. at 2:00 AM on Thu 6/2/2016
Dear God, 
Please help me through all of my current struggles in life - especially moving house, home loan applications and job applications. Please keep me strong and faithful always through this super difficult times. I thank you Lord for all Your grace and glory, always. May You keep me away from harms, evils and temptations, and never let me stray away from Your love. Please do not let me go of Your hands, ever. AMEN. 
Thank you, GOD. I love You. 

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16 Prayers for
my 20 year old daughter
Breast mass/lump
by Nikki at 6:38 AM on Thu 6/2/2016
My 20 year old daughter has a breast mass that has bad characteristics. Huge fear of needles for procedures and biopsy to the point of crying. Please pray for benign mass and strength and bravery. She is my only child and has been such a huge blessing in my life. She needs the power of our prayers..I need you to help me pray for her. Please...

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20 Prayers for
My 20 year old daughter
Breast mass
by Nikki at 7:06 AM on Thu 6/2/2016
please help me pray for my daughter who is only 20 and has a breast mass that has terrible characteristics.  She is very terrified of needles, to the point of crying, so the thought of biopsy for her is absolutely terrifying. We go today to consult with surgeon, and I pray that he takes the time to do a biopsy ( aspiration of mass) today to begin to put our minds at ease. Please pray for benign mass, and for my sweet daughter to be strong, brave, and fierce. I believe in our powers to pray together..He promises us that where one or more gather together in His name that He is there. Please help me pray for her health. Thank you

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22 Prayers for
Mental illness
by Abi H. at 12:26 PM on Thu 6/2/2016
my boyfriend has had a long past of mental illness and drug abuse and he will get better from time to time. But this time it's bad. He is in a custody battle and his parents are taking care of his daughters.  He recently he found out that the mother is getting unsupervised visits and he's not. He's gone off the deep end and has become verbally and emotionally abusive. He is not stable and is taking it out on the three people who love him most. Me and his parents. He needs help and won't get it. Behind all of his mental illness he is a wonderful guy. caring, loving, and generous. But he's being terrible to all of us. He needs help and a lot of prayer. 

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21 Prayers for
My wife, children and I.
Financial Miracle
by ROBERT at 1:23 PM on Thu 6/2/2016
I've been in between jobs for about a month now. Should start working in the next day or two. Our bills are piling up and we need a financial miracle at this point. We have always tithed and will continue to do so. Thank you God for your provision and what your about to do for us. Thank you for all who are praying for us. In Jesus name. Amen.

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23 Prayers for
Suicidal thoughts
by Maria B. at 2:25 PM on Thu 6/2/2016
Suicidal thoughts trying to sneak in again.
I have reasons to believe my mother suffers form the same issues.I ask that you keep us both in your prayers.
Thank you.

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18 Prayers for
need prayer for God to pull us out of this storm
by nichelle j. at 2:38 PM on Thu 6/2/2016
We are in the battle of our lives praying that God will save my sons life. Feeling weak and losing strength.  I long to hear from God. He seems so silent lately. Please pray for my family as a whole. We are all devestated.

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24 Prayers for
Jody Hredzak
Healing from coma and low kidney functions.
by Joseph B. at 4:29 PM on Thu 6/2/2016
Jody Hredzak had a kidney stone in her bladder. She had a high temperature and she went into a coma. Her body now has a grey tint and kidney functions have improved.
Jody is a non-believer. I would ask the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to heal her fully. I ask if God to go to her and convert her into a believer. I ask this in God's name...

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17 Prayers for
under attack - requesting warfare prayer
by Janet at 6:18 PM on Thu 6/2/2016
Dear Ones.... may I please have your unity in prayer to bind the enemy and revoke access to my life.  I would ask you to include in your prayer a release from Dion, with whom I have shaken hands and I know is no good for me.
Thank you... I love you all and appreciate your prayers.... may God pour out his blessings into your life... amen

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24 Prayers for
Maria (me)
Pray for me
by Maria B. at 7:13 PM on Thu 6/2/2016
I have conquered a long battle agaisnt depression,and it has been sneaking in again with suicidal thoughts,please keep me in your prayers.Thank you all.Thank you,khandyielise,Angel D. and many more.I have been praying for you too.Love you all.

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21 Prayers for
diabetes, amputation, surgery
by Sonja T. at 9:12 PM on Thu 6/2/2016

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1 Prayers for
Urgently need a tenant to share today (June 3 2016)
by Rebecca M. at 3:37 AM on Fri 6/3/2016
Dear prayer warriors, I have great need of your prayers! Pray, that the Lord let me build and strengthen me. My name Is Rebecca Makoa. I desperately need a better job, in my company or outside. So that I can be able to buy myself & my children a decent house and I urgently need a tenant in my flat, for the month (beginning June 2016) a GOD fearing person. Please pray for me that I also may be strong in prayer, wake up in the morning and pray every day IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME I PRAY

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2 Prayers for
Myself (Candy)
Financial Need
by Candy p. at 5:34 AM on Fri 6/3/2016
Please pray for me I need money fast to pay my debts and fix my car so i can be more productive in my life. Im unable to work outside of my home due to health issues at the present time so its hard to meet my responsibility of bills and fixing my car.I depend on others to help me and thats not what i believe God wants for me in my life. Please agree with me that a mircle will happen soon in Jesus Name...Thank you in advance 

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1 Prayers for
Doug (Husband)
Medical procedures
by Susan at 6:30 AM on Fri 6/3/2016
My husband, Doug, is scheduled for a kidney stone blasting on Tuesday and a colonoscopy on Thursday. Please pray for a successful procedure and good reports. Pray that God will strengthen his kidneys and colon to endure the process. Thanks!

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1 Prayers for
Father heal us
by Jilian R. at 6:35 AM on Fri 6/3/2016
Heavenly father forgive our sins, I know prayer can change any situation, deliver us from all devil’s clutches (unwanted thoughts), heal our mind, body, soul. Destroy evil plans against us, help my husband to be faithful, stop his torture, help my daughter in her study, give her wisdom, knowledge, protect us from all infections & illness, keep us healthy & happy, protect my job, help me at my work place, provide me finance, hide identity IJN Amen

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1 Prayers for
Joannie and Wanda
Lost to their children
by Teresa at 6:56 AM on Fri 6/3/2016
Dear Lord,
Both Joannie and Wanda haven't seen some of their children nor have never meet their grandchildren.  Both are not very healthy as disease has their bodies.  Lord I am praying for reconciliation for both with their children and grandchildren.  In your precious name I pray.  Amen

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1 Prayers for
good school results
by Amanda H. at 1:21 PM on Fri 6/3/2016
Dear son/daughter of God, special thanks you for your prayers of the last times. I feel well, and hope to recover more/totally from past trauma’s. Please pray for me the comming two weeks that I may do well in my study and receive good results before the summer holliday. I have to complete some research assignments, an exam and assignments in the coming two weeks. Also an research about refugees. If you also like to you can still keep praying for me to find the man which God has for me. God bless you too. 

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1 Prayers for
Sherry Lynn
Pray for my mother with stage 4 cancer
by Erin S. at 2:56 PM on Fri 6/3/2016
 I humbly ask that you please add my mother, Sherry Lynn to your weekly prayer line. I pray for the cancerous tumors to heal and go away , I pray for less physical pain to her body , and to please give her and her family more time on this planet . Amen. Most Grateful,Erin 

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1 Prayers for
Self esteem
by Candice J. at 5:49 PM on Fri 6/3/2016
I'm pregnant and worried . My family and friends
Are nowhere to be found . Self-esteem low.
Needing request for my husband and I . Our marriage and for in laws to be supportive.I need God

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1 Prayers for
Healing Hand of God
by Emily B. at 7:24 PM on Fri 6/3/2016
Please keep me in your prayers as I got some devastating news today. I know God can and does work miracles everyday and Im praying that he can work one in me. I need Gods healing hand upon me to mend me and make me new again.

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1 Prayers for
healing from anixty
by cat at 7:43 PM on Fri 6/3/2016
Please pray for my daughter caterrenea today she was at work and she had a child spit at her and some of his saliva went in her mouth. Please pray that this is healthy and not carrying any diseases like hiv. She has a baby to think about and breastfeeds.  Please be with her and let's things be ok. She will be getting tested on Monday and the foster mother has assured that the boy has nothing 

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1 Prayers for
Who or what is this prayer request for? Justin
Prayer needed
by Stephany at 9:47 PM on Fri 6/3/2016
Dear Lord, I offer you this prayer, to help me with my current relationship situation. Please take away all the pain and hurt in my heart. Fill it with love, joy, patience, and understanding. Bless me and Justin so that we may never surrender to whatever challenges that come our way. Fill our hearts with love for each other, and may you make each one of us realize each other's worth. Please touch the heart of Justin,fill it with much love for me. Make our complicated relationship become uncomplicated. I seek for your mercy and blessing that you may allow us to spend the rest of our lives with each other. Please make this feeling mutual for both of us. Lead us not into temptations. Guide us wherever we go. Always put us in each other's heart and mind. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer. Amen

Prayer Request Updates
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289 Prayers for
Need a job/place to live soon
by M. M. at 9:13 AM on Tue 11/22/2011
  Update #37 by M. M. at 9:28 am on Thu 6/2/2016  I am still looking for employment. I would like to find a direct hire position. Please continue to pray.

Original Prayer Request
I am still looking for employment. I would like to find a direct hire position. Please continue to pray.

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300 Prayers for
Spiritual Deliverance/Healing
by M. M. at 9:30 AM on Tue 11/22/2011
  Update #38 by M. M. at 9:23 am on Thu 6/2/2016  Last night I had a "dream" that I was being enveloped by total and complete darkness. It felt very real like I was being pulled in to an extremely dark vortex. It was very frightening and I had to fight with everything that I had to wake up from this "dream". When I woke up I had to fight to stay awake and I was seeing orange orbs and lights. Thank you for continuing to pray for my deliverance and for standing in the gap for me.

Original Prayer Request
Last night I had a "dream" that I was being enveloped by total and complete darkness. It felt very real like I was being pulled in to an extremely dark vortex. It was very frightening and I had to fight with everything that I had to wake up from this "dream". When I woke up I had to fight to stay awake and I was seeing orange orbs and lights. Thank you for continuing to pray for my deliverance and for standing in the gap for me.

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42 Prayers for
Exhaustion/extreme fatigue
by M. M. at 6:51 PM on Thu 3/29/2012
  Prayer Answered!  Update by M. M. at 9:25 am on Thu 6/2/2016  Thank You for Praying!
Thank you for your prayers. I have been feeling normal physically and able to do normal work.

Original Prayer Request
Thank You for Praying!
Thank you for your prayers. I have been feeling normal physically and able to do normal work.

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266 Prayers for
myself and Susan
prayers needed
by tony at 8:54 PM on Sat 6/15/2013
  Update #38 by tony at 10:11 am on Fri 6/3/2016  yes please don't stop praying for me and Susan to get back together. GOD Bless you all for your prayers

Original Prayer Request
yes please don't stop praying for me and Susan to get back together. GOD Bless you all for your prayers

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616 Prayers for
Pray for my sister Judy
by Mike P. at 1:41 PM on Tue 12/24/2013
  Update #24 by Mike P. at 9:06 am on Thu 6/2/2016  The doctors changed Judy's meds and she she now is able to eat small portions without nausea. Thank you for your prayers

Original Prayer Request
The doctors changed Judy's meds and she she now is able to eat small portions without nausea. Thank you for your prayers

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557 Prayers for
Guidance and a Miracle
by Kara at 11:38 PM on Sat 10/11/2014
  Prayer Answered!  Update by Kara at 2:42 pm on Wed 6/1/2016  I think it's just about time to close this prayer request down. Not to say I'm giving up or lack the understanding that there IS a power in prayer. It's more that I believe God is moving me in a completely new direction - well, exactly like I asked for actually! I started this prayer yearning for that very thing: direction. I'm not saying there's a neon sign lit up that's suddenly guiding my path. I certainly don't have all the answers or the knowledge of why everything happens the way it does around me. I'm still trying to figure out a lot about where I'm meant to be and what I'm meant to be doing. But more and more, I'm learning about my God-given talents and how to be a beacon for Him even when I don't have the answers or all the information. God is good. He blesses me SO richly day in and day out and really, He's all I need to know anyway. God is more than enough and the rest of these earthly woes do NOT matter in the long run. I thank you and God bless every single one of you for your prayers and support and I pray that He also blesses YOU daily in your walk with Him. Thank you, God!

Original Prayer Request
I think it's just about time to close this prayer request down. Not to say I'm giving up or lack the understanding that there IS a power in prayer. It's more that I believe God is moving me in a completely new direction - well, exactly like I asked for actually! I started this prayer yearning for that very thing: direction. I'm not saying there's a neon sign lit up that's suddenly guiding my path. I certainly don't have all the answers or the knowledge of why everything happens the way it does around me. I'm still trying to figure out a lot about where I'm meant to be and what I'm meant to be doing. But more and more, I'm learning about my God-given talents and how to be a beacon for Him even when I don't have the answers or all the information. God is good. He blesses me SO richly day in and day out and really, He's all I need to know anyway. God is more than enough and the rest of these earthly woes do NOT matter in the long run. I thank you and God bless every single one of you for your prayers and support and I pray that He also blesses YOU daily in your walk with Him. Thank you, God!

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136 Prayers for
My family
Pay off debt
by Leisa L. at 5:54 PM on Sun 2/1/2015
  Update #18 by Leisa L. at 2:05 am on Fri 6/3/2016  Help we r in debt , lord open doors

Original Prayer Request
Help we r in debt , lord open doors

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101 Prayers for
Drug Addiction
by Debbie F. at 9:16 AM on Mon 3/16/2015
  Update #14 by Debbie F. at 8:42 am on Fri 6/3/2016  Thank you all for your prayers for Andrew. I found a pill in Andrew's room two weeks after he returned from prison. He and his friend, Josh, from high school moved out this week into their own place. When Andrew moved out last year, he overdosed within a month and almost died. Please my brothers and sisters in Christ, please continue to pray for Andrew. I know in my heart that prayers are making a difference in that I do sense a change in him; although, he hasn't totally laid it down yet. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Thank you, Debbie

Original Prayer Request
Thank you all for your prayers for Andrew. I found a pill in Andrew's room two weeks after he returned from prison. He and his friend, Josh, from high school moved out this week into their own place. When Andrew moved out last year, he overdosed within a month and almost died. Please my brothers and sisters in Christ, please continue to pray for Andrew. I know in my heart that prayers are making a difference in that I do sense a change in him; although, he hasn't totally laid it down yet. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Thank you, Debbie

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74 Prayers for
Training for New Job
by Lela A. at 7:21 AM on Wed 8/5/2015
  Update #8 by Lela A. at 8:11 am on Thu 6/2/2016  I would ask for you all to continue to pray for my son Billy. He needs a job with benefits soon as he lost his job. Please pray that God provides a steady job with benefits very soon! Thank you all and God's blessings.

Original Prayer Request
I would ask for you all to continue to pray for my son Billy. He needs a job with benefits soon as he lost his job. Please pray that God provides a steady job with benefits very soon! Thank you all and God's blessings.

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375 Prayers for
New Job
Grace to Pray, Pack, Transition, Move, Settle-In and Start
by David at 3:49 PM on Mon 8/24/2015
  Update #52 by David at 6:17 pm on Thu 6/2/2016  Please pray my appointments stop cancelling! I have had 5 cancel in the last week and I missed a nice bonus by ONE service agreement! Really needed it after the car repairs, moving, security deposit, behind in obligations. Please pray my appointments stick and people come aboard. We are NOT wrestling against flesh and blood (Eph 6) and the weapons of are warefare are NOT carnal but MIGHTY through GOD to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Cor 10), also good sleep -- strength and clarity on appointments, protection driving and going door to door, dogs, et cetera -- thank you in Jesus' Name.

Original Prayer Request
Please pray my appointments stop cancelling! I have had 5 cancel in the last week and I missed a nice bonus by ONE service agreement! Really needed it after the car repairs, moving, security deposit, behind in obligations. Please pray my appointments stick and people come aboard. We are NOT wrestling against flesh and blood (Eph 6) and the weapons of are warefare are NOT carnal but MIGHTY through GOD to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Cor 10), also good sleep -- strength and clarity on appointments, protection driving and going door to door, dogs, et cetera -- thank you in Jesus' Name.

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131 Prayers for
by Lela A. at 8:36 PM on Thu 9/3/2015
  Update #7 by Lela A. at 8:13 am on Thu 6/2/2016  Please pray for my son Billy as he needs a new job soon. Please pray God provides a job quickly as his finances are very low. All he asks is a steady job with benefits to cover his rent and expenses. Thank you all for praying. Please pray he can be independent and working.

Original Prayer Request
Please pray for my son Billy as he needs a new job soon. Please pray God provides a job quickly as his finances are very low. All he asks is a steady job with benefits to cover his rent and expenses. Thank you all for praying. Please pray he can be independent and working.

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59 Prayers for
In the hospital. Was asked by a friend to pray for him.>>
by Melanie at 3:37 AM on Sat 9/5/2015
  Update #3 by Melanie at 3:27 pm on Thu 6/2/2016  Thank you so much Bernie.

Original Prayer Request
Thank you so much Bernie.

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200 Prayers for
hit by a car accident to be healed broken arm leg and hand and dislocated both knees was in a coma
by Adam S. at 5:52 PM on Tue 11/3/2015
  Update #7 by Adam S. at 12:43 pm on Fri 6/3/2016  Ok the very latest on Anita she having physiotherapy learning how to walk again step by step but slowly but still on crutches the left arm is healed. Just the her knee now that need more strength both of her knees. So please keep your prayers coming.

Original Prayer Request
Ok the very latest on Anita she having physiotherapy learning how to walk again step by step but slowly but still on crutches the left arm is healed. Just the her knee now that need more strength both of her knees. So please keep your prayers coming.

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22 Prayers for
by Jacky at 2:07 AM on Tue 2/2/2016
  Update #2 by Jacky at 1:51 am on Fri 6/3/2016  Hello please can you pray for the destruction of demonic forces within me and around me forces that would hold me back and convince me that my dreams cannot come true, and that destruction and mayhem will take over the world. I do not wish to be pessimistic, just open hearted and faithful to the Lord.

Original Prayer Request
Hello please can you pray for the destruction of demonic forces within me and around me forces that would hold me back and convince me that my dreams cannot come true, and that destruction and mayhem will take over the world. I do not wish to be pessimistic, just open hearted and faithful to the Lord.

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56 Prayers for
by Ramakrishnarao C. at 5:51 AM on Fri 2/12/2016
  Update #8 by Ramakrishnarao C. at 1:04 am on Fri 6/3/2016  thanks for all the prayers, unfortunately Mr Vijayaraj leg numbness is not reducing. with this he is becoming mentally worried since unable to come out of the house kindly pray for him

Original Prayer Request
thanks for all the prayers, unfortunately Mr Vijayaraj leg numbness is not reducing. with this he is becoming mentally worried since unable to come out of the house kindly pray for him

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90 Prayers for
My family & our situations
by Shirley B. at 9:44 AM on Fri 2/12/2016
  Update #5 by Shirley B. at 9:33 pm on Wed 6/1/2016  Thank you Bernie for your prayers.

Original Prayer Request
Thank you Bernie for your prayers.

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48 Prayers for
Robert & Cheryl
Our Home is now up for sale
by Robert B. at 9:00 AM on Wed 3/2/2016
  Update #5 by Robert B. at 7:11 am on Thu 6/2/2016  he most recent deal on our home from the buyers fell thru, they backed out. Now we have to start all over again marketing the home. we have only till June 30th to make a deal our home, or we will loose the other home we put a deposit down on and loose that home and our deposit. So I am praying with all our hearts for God to bless us with FAVOR, GRACE AND TO BE MERCIFUL to us. We will be having another open house this Sunday June the 5th, and it is back in the multiple listings as well. We need a buyer. We need your prayers. Amen

Original Prayer Request
he most recent deal on our home from the buyers fell thru, they backed out. Now we have to start all over again marketing the home. we have only till June 30th to make a deal our home, or we will loose the other home we put a deposit down on and loose that home and our deposit. So I am praying with all our hearts for God to bless us with FAVOR, GRACE AND TO BE MERCIFUL to us. We will be having another open house this Sunday June the 5th, and it is back in the multiple listings as well. We need a buyer. We need your prayers. Amen

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40 Prayers for
Shareena Prasad
by shareena p. at 4:57 PM on Wed 3/2/2016
  Update #3 by shareena p. at 11:33 am on Fri 6/3/2016  I still need prayer's for this please Shareena

Original Prayer Request
I still need prayer's for this please Shareena

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46 Prayers for
Who or what is this prayer request for? Cindy
For the surgeons that preform her breast cancer surgery get it all
by Trudy at 9:37 PM on Wed 3/9/2016
  Prayer Answered!  Update by Trudy at 2:22 pm on Wed 5/25/2016  thank you all for all the healing prayers they got it all prayer HAS DEFFINITLY CURED MY FRIEND !!!!! I PRAISE GOD !!!! FOR HEALING CINDY I KNOW SHE HAS BEEN CRUED BECAUSE OF GOD AND ALL YOUR HEALING PRAYERS THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH FOR PRAYING FOR CINDY GOD BLESS YOU ALL

Original Prayer Request

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43 Prayers for
gastric problem
by Ramakrishnarao C. at 11:25 PM on Thu 3/10/2016
  Update #4 by Ramakrishnarao C. at 1:00 am on Fri 6/3/2016  thanks for all the prayers my mother health improved a lot kindly continue prayers

Original Prayer Request
thanks for all the prayers my mother health improved a lot kindly continue prayers

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51 Prayers for
Financial needs
by Ryan K. at 5:00 PM on Wed 3/16/2016
  Update #4 by Ryan K. at 5:18 am on Thu 6/2/2016  Hi Prayer warriors, Thank you for praying for me. My contract was extended another 2 weeks but there is no extension after this because the company is downsizing itself. Could you pray that I could finf the next job that God has prepared for me? Thanks,

Original Prayer Request
Hi Prayer warriors, Thank you for praying for me. My contract was extended another 2 weeks but there is no extension after this because the company is downsizing itself. Could you pray that I could finf the next job that God has prepared for me? Thanks,

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142 Prayers for
Brian and Lauren
Heal their marriage
by Sue at 9:31 AM on Sun 3/20/2016
  Update #12 by Sue at 4:52 pm on Thu 6/2/2016  Brian will be coming to visit Lauren this weekend. Because of new job will only be here Saturday and Sunday. Pray for a good, productive visit. Lauren in final stages of interviewing for job. Pray for job offer.

Original Prayer Request
Brian will be coming to visit Lauren this weekend. Because of new job will only be here Saturday and Sunday. Pray for a good, productive visit. Lauren in final stages of interviewing for job. Pray for job offer.

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41 Prayers for
Jonathan & Donna
failing marriage
by Jonathan V. at 9:37 AM on Wed 3/23/2016
  Update #3 by Jonathan V. at 9:48 am on Fri 6/3/2016  My wife is still adamant about going through with the divorce. She continually starts arguments over the smallest things and then points to it saying "this is confirmation that i am doing the right thing". She is just so angry all the time so my son and I are rarely home, as we are all still in the same house. She was a foster child and was abused and manipulated for 18+ years by real & foster parents. There is so much damage there that she just cannot see the Truth. I have been there for her longer than anyone else in her life and have supported her more than anyone, but I have been the "punching bag" for her anger and resentment for everything that she has been through. I don't want to lose my wife and marriage. Please continue to pray that the Holy Spirit works in ways to bring the right people into her life to guide her with Biblical wisdom not earthly.

Original Prayer Request
My wife is still adamant about going through with the divorce. She continually starts arguments over the smallest things and then points to it saying "this is confirmation that i am doing the right thing". She is just so angry all the time so my son and I are rarely home, as we are all still in the same house. She was a foster child and was abused and manipulated for 18+ years by real & foster parents. There is so much damage there that she just cannot see the Truth. I have been there for her longer than anyone else in her life and have supported her more than anyone, but I have been the "punching bag" for her anger and resentment for everything that she has been through. I don't want to lose my wife and marriage. Please continue to pray that the Holy Spirit works in ways to bring the right people into her life to guide her with Biblical wisdom not earthly.

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144 Prayers for
Healing in marriage
wife says she is leaving me
by Jonathan V. at 10:56 AM on Wed 3/23/2016
  Update #5 by Jonathan V. at 9:47 am on Fri 6/3/2016  My wife is still adamant about going through with the divorce. She continually starts arguments over the smallest things and then points to it saying "this is confirmation that i am doing the right thing". She is just so angry all the time so my son and I are rarely home, as we are all still in the same house. She was a foster child and was abused and manipulated for 18+ years by real & foster parents. There is so much damage there that she just cannot see the Truth. I have been there for her longer than anyone else in her life and have supported her more than anyone, but I have been the "punching bag" for her anger and resentment for everything that she has been through. I don't want to lose my wife and marriage. Please continue to pray that the Holy Spirit works in ways to bring the right people into her life to guide her with Biblical wisdom not earthly.

Original Prayer Request
My wife is still adamant about going through with the divorce. She continually starts arguments over the smallest things and then points to it saying "this is confirmation that i am doing the right thing". She is just so angry all the time so my son and I are rarely home, as we are all still in the same house. She was a foster child and was abused and manipulated for 18+ years by real & foster parents. There is so much damage there that she just cannot see the Truth. I have been there for her longer than anyone else in her life and have supported her more than anyone, but I have been the "punching bag" for her anger and resentment for everything that she has been through. I don't want to lose my wife and marriage. Please continue to pray that the Holy Spirit works in ways to bring the right people into her life to guide her with Biblical wisdom not earthly.

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28 Prayers for
Anna, Connor and Tristan
by Anna P. at 11:25 PM on Tue 3/29/2016
  Update #1 by Anna P. at 10:01 am on Thu 6/2/2016  Dearest brothers and sisters, I have been able to maintain my home for the month of June. Thank you for all your prayers. If it is not asking too much to continue to ask for your prayers that my family become stable in our home so we don't have to worry about moving, I would be grateful. Blessings and humble grace. Anna

Original Prayer Request
Dearest brothers and sisters, I have been able to maintain my home for the month of June. Thank you for all your prayers. If it is not asking too much to continue to ask for your prayers that my family become stable in our home so we don't have to worry about moving, I would be grateful. Blessings and humble grace. Anna

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125 Prayers for
Hannah and Dat
Please pray for Hannah and Dat's salvation
by Naomi at 10:51 PM on Fri 4/1/2016
  Update #2 by Naomi at 5:55 am on Thu 6/2/2016  I texted Hannah today as it was my Mum's birthday (Mum went to heaven in 2008 after suffering lung cancer). Hannah then rang me back and we had a lovely chat for about an hour. She is getting into using organic produce and buying ethical products, as she has two little boys now to look after. I feel blessed to have such a loyal, loving sister. Please keep her in prayer as I can see God working in her life to make her heart receptive to the Spirit of Christ. Also her partner Dat and their two boys, Luke and Odin.

Original Prayer Request
I texted Hannah today as it was my Mum's birthday (Mum went to heaven in 2008 after suffering lung cancer). Hannah then rang me back and we had a lovely chat for about an hour. She is getting into using organic produce and buying ethical products, as she has two little boys now to look after. I feel blessed to have such a loyal, loving sister. Please keep her in prayer as I can see God working in her life to make her heart receptive to the Spirit of Christ. Also her partner Dat and their two boys, Luke and Odin.

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28 Prayers for
haunted by spirits, alchoholic
by Ramakrishnarao C. at 4:41 AM on Wed 4/20/2016
  Update #2 by Ramakrishnarao C. at 12:59 am on Fri 6/3/2016  thanks for all the prayers, Mr Anil has reduced drinking but still behaving with the presence of spirits i am feared the house he is living is full of spirits kindly continue pray

Original Prayer Request
thanks for all the prayers, Mr Anil has reduced drinking but still behaving with the presence of spirits i am feared the house he is living is full of spirits kindly continue pray

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53 Prayers for
food and household furniture assistance
by Catherine at 1:06 AM on Sat 4/23/2016
  Update #1 by Catherine at 6:48 pm on Thu 6/2/2016  please continue to pray for her. she still needs a stove and refrigerator.

Original Prayer Request
please continue to pray for her. she still needs a stove and refrigerator.

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48 Prayers for
Pneumonia, sinus ailments, weakened immune system and allergies
by shirley g. at 12:03 PM on Sat 4/30/2016
  Update #2 by shirley g. at 2:10 pm on Thu 6/2/2016  I would ask that you would still pray for me. I'm recovering from my last terrible virus and just found out that I was exposed to a sick person yesterday. I have some symptoms today of developing yet another cold or upper respiratory illness. Please pray that this stops and that I can enjoy good health again. I can't serve God and be sick. Thank you.

Original Prayer Request
I would ask that you would still pray for me. I'm recovering from my last terrible virus and just found out that I was exposed to a sick person yesterday. I have some symptoms today of developing yet another cold or upper respiratory illness. Please pray that this stops and that I can enjoy good health again. I can't serve God and be sick. Thank you.

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45 Prayers for
by Daine K. at 2:34 AM on Tue 5/3/2016
  Update #1 by Daine K. at 6:29 am on Thu 6/2/2016  Thanks for prayers The situation is still grim Have about US$2.00, large bills to pay, medical needs and need money for food. Promises made but no friend can help. Tried one family member. Loan applied for was denied. Not sure how to resolve this. Need divine intervention Bless you all Daine

Original Prayer Request
Thanks for prayers The situation is still grim Have about US$2.00, large bills to pay, medical needs and need money for food. Promises made but no friend can help. Tried one family member. Loan applied for was denied. Not sure how to resolve this. Need divine intervention Bless you all Daine

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91 Prayers for
by Shirley B. at 7:26 AM on Tue 5/3/2016
  Update #1 by Shirley B. at 10:38 am on Thu 6/2/2016  Please continue to pray for me and my family. Realtor reduced the price of my mom's house hoping it will sell faster. When I went to see my mom she was much calmer. I am still a nervous wreck with everything going on. I finally realized I have not been on a vacation in several years with taking care of my mom. Since I retired in Sept I have not gone out of the city. If I go somewhere or do something I always have my cell phone with me in case I would get a call about my mom. It has happened several times this year already. Went out to eat or visit with friends and I got a call mom fell or was being violent or she was ill. Since she was declared incompetent because her Alzheimer's /dementia and I have power of attorney for her health care I have to make decisions for her. The rest of my siblings are too ubsorbed in their lives they don't give a second thought about what they do. They just go on trips etc without any concern about mom. They don't even call where my mom is at to see how she is. They say let us know when she passes away. I worry about my granddaughter with summer coming up. She has caught up with everything in school and her parents take her and pick her up from school. She was never one to ever miss school. She does not miss school unless she is really sick. Her parents monitor very closing who she friends around with. They don't want her to get involved with the wrong crowd again But with summer I worry. Please continue to pray for us. You are all in my prayers daily.

Original Prayer Request
Please continue to pray for me and my family. Realtor reduced the price of my mom's house hoping it will sell faster. When I went to see my mom she was much calmer. I am still a nervous wreck with everything going on. I finally realized I have not been on a vacation in several years with taking care of my mom. Since I retired in Sept I have not gone out of the city. If I go somewhere or do something I always have my cell phone with me in case I would get a call about my mom. It has happened several times this year already. Went out to eat or visit with friends and I got a call mom fell or was being violent or she was ill. Since she was declared incompetent because her Alzheimer's /dementia and I have power of attorney for her health care I have to make decisions for her. The rest of my siblings are too ubsorbed in their lives they don't give a second thought about what they do. They just go on trips etc without any concern about mom. They don't even call where my mom is at to see how she is. They say let us know when she passes away. I worry about my granddaughter with summer coming up. She has caught up with everything in school and her parents take her and pick her up from school. She was never one to ever miss school. She does not miss school unless she is really sick. Her parents monitor very closing who she friends around with. They don't want her to get involved with the wrong crowd again But with summer I worry. Please continue to pray for us. You are all in my prayers daily.

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43 Prayers for
Please HELP me
by Lydia A. at 9:01 AM on Tue 5/3/2016
  Update #1 by Lydia A. at 1:55 am on Thu 6/2/2016  Thank you for all your prayers. The court hearing went well as I had many supports from people there. I still have to move house but I am very grateful regardless for everything, as I feel at peace. May I please ask for your prayers so that I get a permanent job as soon as possible and that my home loan gets approved, as I am losing my job at the end of June due to my contract not being renewed by my current employer. Thank you so much for everything, may God bless you always and keep on loving God. There is no one else who understands us better than Him. Lord, thank you so much and I love you always.

Original Prayer Request
Thank you for all your prayers. The court hearing went well as I had many supports from people there. I still have to move house but I am very grateful regardless for everything, as I feel at peace. May I please ask for your prayers so that I get a permanent job as soon as possible and that my home loan gets approved, as I am losing my job at the end of June due to my contract not being renewed by my current employer. Thank you so much for everything, may God bless you always and keep on loving God. There is no one else who understands us better than Him. Lord, thank you so much and I love you always.

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27 Prayers for
by Patricia at 8:55 PM on Tue 5/3/2016
  Update #1 by Patricia at 2:03 pm on Thu 6/2/2016  I want to thank everyone who has been praying for my daughter Rena for all she is going through with cancer. She is about to start 35 days of radiation and two rounds of two kinds of chemo. This will be very painful and hard on her . I ask that you continue to pray she doesn't give up and will continue to ask for God's help. She prays all the time and has great faith and trust in God to get her through the bad and painful times. Thank you again to everyone and may God bless all of you.

Original Prayer Request
I want to thank everyone who has been praying for my daughter Rena for all she is going through with cancer. She is about to start 35 days of radiation and two rounds of two kinds of chemo. This will be very painful and hard on her . I ask that you continue to pray she doesn't give up and will continue to ask for God's help. She prays all the time and has great faith and trust in God to get her through the bad and painful times. Thank you again to everyone and may God bless all of you.

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27 Prayers for
Bri, J. and Nic
Reconciliation with my daughter Bri, financial blessings and miracle to keep house
by Joslyn W. at 11:45 PM on Tue 5/3/2016
  Update #1 by Joslyn W. at 7:35 am on Thu 6/2/2016  Please continue to pray for my daughter's return to her mother and the reconciliation of our relationship and the ungodly and wicked influence the father is completely broken. Please also pray for a hedge of protection to be placed around my daughters, myself and my business that it flourishes and is successful ad that I am able to keep my home and that I get full time employment soon.

Original Prayer Request
Please continue to pray for my daughter's return to her mother and the reconciliation of our relationship and the ungodly and wicked influence the father is completely broken. Please also pray for a hedge of protection to be placed around my daughters, myself and my business that it flourishes and is successful ad that I am able to keep my home and that I get full time employment soon.

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34 Prayers for
New love
by Ashley A. at 12:42 PM on Wed 5/4/2016
  Update #1 by Ashley A. at 2:08 pm on Fri 6/3/2016  Things seem to be going better...we're getting closer...but theres still alot of obstacles in the way... please keep praying..

Original Prayer Request
Things seem to be going better...we're getting closer...but theres still alot of obstacles in the way... please keep praying..

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73 Prayers for
Donny and Tiffany
Marriage and family restoration and fulfilling God's Destiny for our lives
by Tiffany C. at 8:35 PM on Fri 5/13/2016
  Update #3 by Tiffany C. at 7:49 am on Fri 6/3/2016  Hey my beautiful brothers and sisters in the Lord. I tell you what God is so good. I can see little bits of improvement and each time I see the light the enemy tries to come and cover it with his darkness. But God's light CANNOT BE DIMMED! HALLELUJAH! Please continue to pray for my husband. That he returns to the Lord and that can only happen when he receives and accepts the Father's love and forgiveness. The devil is keeping him under condemnation which makes him believe the situation is hopeless but as we all know with God nothing is IMPOSSIBLE! Please continue to pray for me that I remain God focused and not circumstances obsessed. Pray for protection for my children for they truly are the innocents in all this. And I ask that you pray additionally for:First that the Lord provides me and my children with our own home (especially while my husband is out the house). For six out the eight years we've been married we have resided in the homes of various family members. (Having my own home for my family has always been my priority but my husband was/is not focused on family but self) Currently we, me and my five young children, reside with my mother who is severely alcoholic and unpredictable. (Please pray for her. That's another way the enemy is trying to attack/weaken me/deter my focus from God is dealing with her daily actions. My sister and I, which my sister lives in another state, are the only ones who have sought out help for my mother including getting the courts involved when she refused to voluntary go for help. She then involved the family, which is in chaos; full of anger and bitterness for one another, and they attack my sister daily. And I am left to the daily onslaught of my mother's anger for me and my sister.) I understand all too well her struggles with alcohol for the Lord delivered me several years ago from the same stronghold. Yet her behavior when she drinks, which at this point is daily and continuous is not something my children should be exposed to. So please pray for a home, provision of money, and a vehicle for us, as since I am a homemaker, receiving no child support from my husband we are essentially locked down to this house twenty-four seven. I miss going to church and it is essential for me and my children at this time to be immersed in God's world and not this "pit of hell". Lol. I laugh because the enemy tried to break me with this but God is using it for His Glory. See since my husband left almost six months ago my growth in God has grown exponentially. I have over the past 8 years had everything stripped from me that I held value to: my home, car, credit, finances and finally husband. What was left was...God! And oh how grateful I am for that! I'm sorry it took me so long and I put Him through so much to get to this point where I seek Him in all things and praise His goodness daily! But Hallelujah because where I was unfaithful, He's faithful. Where my love had conditions, His was freely given, and where I though I was alone, He showed that He was present all along. So now I want to honor Him by serving others. I want to thank Him by helping others. I want to take the children that He blessed me with and show them that the greatest thing they can do on this earth is love God and serve His kingdom. So if you stand in agreement with me I ask that all of God's prayer warriors and novices (lol) join together with me in unison and ask that God bless me with the things I have asked for, to strike a mighty blow against Satan and bring to light the power of God's love and what He can do in ANY circumstance when you seek Him, love Him and keep your faith in Him. Thank you all and love you. God Bless.

Original Prayer Request
Hey my beautiful brothers and sisters in the Lord. I tell you what God is so good. I can see little bits of improvement and each time I see the light the enemy tries to come and cover it with his darkness. But God's light CANNOT BE DIMMED! HALLELUJAH! Please continue to pray for my husband. That he returns to the Lord and that can only happen when he receives and accepts the Father's love and forgiveness. The devil is keeping him under condemnation which makes him believe the situation is hopeless but as we all know with God nothing is IMPOSSIBLE! Please continue to pray for me that I remain God focused and not circumstances obsessed. Pray for protection for my children for they truly are the innocents in all this. And I ask that you pray additionally for:First that the Lord provides me and my children with our own home (especially while my husband is out the house). For six out the eight years we've been married we have resided in the homes of various family members. (Having my own home for my family has always been my priority but my husband was/is not focused on family but self) Currently we, me and my five young children, reside with my mother who is severely alcoholic and unpredictable. (Please pray for her. That's another way the enemy is trying to attack/weaken me/deter my focus from God is dealing with her daily actions. My sister and I, which my sister lives in another state, are the only ones who have sought out help for my mother including getting the courts involved when she refused to voluntary go for help. She then involved the family, which is in chaos; full of anger and bitterness for one another, and they attack my sister daily. And I am left to the daily onslaught of my mother's anger for me and my sister.) I understand all too well her struggles with alcohol for the Lord delivered me several years ago from the same stronghold. Yet her behavior when she drinks, which at this point is daily and continuous is not something my children should be exposed to. So please pray for a home, provision of money, and a vehicle for us, as since I am a homemaker, receiving no child support from my husband we are essentially locked down to this house twenty-four seven. I miss going to church and it is essential for me and my children at this time to be immersed in God's world and not this "pit of hell". Lol. I laugh because the enemy tried to break me with this but God is using it for His Glory. See since my husband left almost six months ago my growth in God has grown exponentially. I have over the past 8 years had everything stripped from me that I held value to: my home, car, credit, finances and finally husband. What was left was...God! And oh how grateful I am for that! I'm sorry it took me so long and I put Him through so much to get to this point where I seek Him in all things and praise His goodness daily! But Hallelujah because where I was unfaithful, He's faithful. Where my love had conditions, His was freely given, and where I though I was alone, He showed that He was present all along. So now I want to honor Him by serving others. I want to thank Him by helping others. I want to take the children that He blessed me with and show them that the greatest thing they can do on this earth is love God and serve His kingdom. So if you stand in agreement with me I ask that all of God's prayer warriors and novices (lol) join together with me in unison and ask that God bless me with the things I have asked for, to strike a mighty blow against Satan and bring to light the power of God's love and what He can do in ANY circumstance when you seek Him, love Him and keep your faith in Him. Thank you all and love you. God Bless.

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57 Prayers for
wants her own home
by Joyce C. at 8:20 PM on Wed 5/18/2016
  Update #4 by Joyce C. at 10:17 am on Thu 6/2/2016  Well she has a mobile home, so can we just now pray the title gets here soon...thank Jesus name

Update #5 by Joyce C. at 10:18 am on Thu 6/2/2016  thank you everyone also for your parayers

Original Prayer Request
Well she has a mobile home, so can we just now pray the title gets here soon...thank Jesus name

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33 Prayers for
Family healing
by JCQ at 4:34 PM on Mon 5/23/2016
  Update #3 by JCQ at 6:22 pm on Thu 6/2/2016  Thank you all for your continued prayers. I know God is listening to your powerful prayers and soon He will grant my prayers. There is still a deep disconnection but I know God will come through. I will always be grateful to you all, strangers to me, but sisters and brothers through Christ. Thank you so much for taking the time to pray for me. Thank you Nina G. and Marlene. And thank you Bernie T. for your prayers and words of encouragement.

Original Prayer Request
Thank you all for your continued prayers. I know God is listening to your powerful prayers and soon He will grant my prayers. There is still a deep disconnection but I know God will come through. I will always be grateful to you all, strangers to me, but sisters and brothers through Christ. Thank you so much for taking the time to pray for me. Thank you Nina G. and Marlene. And thank you Bernie T. for your prayers and words of encouragement.

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37 Prayers for
Denise and Christopher Jason
Marriage Restoration
by Denise H. at 2:38 PM on Tue 5/24/2016
  Update #1 by Denise H. at 11:55 am on Fri 6/3/2016  Thank you for all your prayers -I am asking for continued prayers.. my husband is now asking me to sign the divorce papers. I just feel that God still doesn't want me to give up on our marriage. He told our oldest son that mommy and daddy might still get back together someday but for now he thinks we need the divorce. Please continue to pray for healing and love in our relationship. Thank you and God Bless

Original Prayer Request
Thank you for all your prayers -I am asking for continued prayers.. my husband is now asking me to sign the divorce papers. I just feel that God still doesn't want me to give up on our marriage. He told our oldest son that mommy and daddy might still get back together someday but for now he thinks we need the divorce. Please continue to pray for healing and love in our relationship. Thank you and God Bless

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45 Prayers for
Struggling with ADD in school
by Greg at 7:41 PM on Tue 5/24/2016
  Update #1 by Greg at 7:31 am on Thu 6/2/2016  Thanks so much for the prayers! I'm certain that God has been here to help us through this tough time. Noah has completed this year, and now it's time to start preparing for the next one, one where we will try to bring God with us from the start and his strength will support this very tough battle.

Original Prayer Request
Thanks so much for the prayers! I'm certain that God has been here to help us through this tough time. Noah has completed this year, and now it's time to start preparing for the next one, one where we will try to bring God with us from the start and his strength will support this very tough battle.

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52 Prayers for
by Virginia at 7:30 AM on Wed 5/25/2016
  Update #2 by Virginia at 5:25 am on Thu 6/2/2016  Jill has an extended stay in the hospital. The meds are strong, she is not doing well, hallucinating, and bedridden

Original Prayer Request
Jill has an extended stay in the hospital. The meds are strong, she is not doing well, hallucinating, and bedridden

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80 Prayers for
Christina D.
Healing from Surgery
by Nina G. at 4:11 AM on Fri 5/27/2016
  Update #4 by Nina G. at 2:00 am on Fri 6/3/2016  Thank you Christine, Bernie and everyone continuing to pray for Christina. She is doing well and stays positive and thankful in the Lord. God bless you all!

Original Prayer Request
Thank you Christine, Bernie and everyone continuing to pray for Christina. She is doing well and stays positive and thankful in the Lord. God bless you all!

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40 Prayers for
K & D
Marriage Restoration Needed
by Kristy R. at 5:09 PM on Sat 5/28/2016
  Update #1 by Kristy R. at 6:42 am on Thu 6/2/2016  Thank your for your prayers!

Original Prayer Request
Thank your for your prayers!

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10 Prayers for
Zach, Lesley, Bianca
Continued prayer of restoration of my family
by Lesley B. at 9:06 PM on Sun 5/29/2016
  Update #1 by Lesley B. at 7:42 pm on Fri 6/3/2016  Thank you everyone who has prayed. You don't understand how much this means to me knowing that you are calling out to our Father about my family. I know God is the only way for us. Thank you again and I am praying over each one of you currently.

Original Prayer Request
Thank you everyone who has prayed. You don't understand how much this means to me knowing that you are calling out to our Father about my family. I know God is the only way for us. Thank you again and I am praying over each one of you currently.

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14 Prayers for
by Shellyanne at 12:18 PM on Tue 5/31/2016
  Update #2 by Shellyanne at 2:12 pm on Fri 6/3/2016  Jayden Lee is a boy, he was taken and will be at Denver's St. Joseph Hospital for a while. Thanks..

Original Prayer Request
Jayden Lee is a boy, he was taken and will be at Denver's St. Joseph Hospital for a while. Thanks..

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31 Prayers for
Yvonne and Steve
Depression (Steve) Frustration and Loss of Hope (Yvonne)
by Janet at 1:05 PM on Tue 5/31/2016
  Update #1 by Janet at 11:54 am on Thu 6/2/2016  thanking you for prayers.... it seems that Steve is responding, already! Thank you Father... thank you all for continuing to keep Steve and Yvonne in prayer. May God bless you all abundantly!

Original Prayer Request
thanking you for prayers.... it seems that Steve is responding, already! Thank you Father... thank you all for continuing to keep Steve and Yvonne in prayer. May God bless you all abundantly!

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38 Prayers for
Maria and Mom
Digestive System.
by Maria B. at 10:42 AM on Wed 6/1/2016
  Update #1 by Maria B. at 1:05 am on Fri 6/3/2016  Thank you all. Yollanda,indeed I used to juice a lot.I would also eat lots of fruits,I love them :)I would change any meal for fruits and yogurt and oatmeal or a juice rich in fiber.However,I got unemployed,and came back to live with mom,I had to eat what there was in the table.I started eating chicken-I was used to no meat at all.THe problems started I am not sure if it is because of the food or due to emotional stress.THank you for keeping me in your prayers and yes may God give me wisdom to eat healthier,I am a lot into healthy eating.Thank you all for keeping me in your prayers.I love you all and I am also praying for you.Thank you,khandielese,thank you Bernie T.,Janet and Yolanda,Greg,Emily,Jeff,Kristy,Shirley B.,Jorge L,Joan ,Anonymous,Steve,Teresa,Marissa,Daryl,Micah.Thank you all.

Original Prayer Request
Thank you all. Yollanda,indeed I used to juice a lot.I would also eat lots of fruits,I love them :)I would change any meal for fruits and yogurt and oatmeal or a juice rich in fiber.However,I got unemployed,and came back to live with mom,I had to eat what there was in the table.I started eating chicken-I was used to no meat at all.THe problems started I am not sure if it is because of the food or due to emotional stress.THank you for keeping me in your prayers and yes may God give me wisdom to eat healthier,I am a lot into healthy eating.Thank you all for keeping me in your prayers.I love you all and I am also praying for you.Thank you,khandielese,thank you Bernie T.,Janet and Yolanda,Greg,Emily,Jeff,Kristy,Shirley B.,Jorge L,Joan ,Anonymous,Steve,Teresa,Marissa,Daryl,Micah.Thank you all.

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21 Prayers for
My wife, children and I.
Financial Miracle
by ROBERT at 1:23 PM on Thu 6/2/2016
  Update #1 by ROBERT at 1:01 pm on Fri 6/3/2016  Awesome, Thank you Janet! God Bless you. ☺

Original Prayer Request
Awesome, Thank you Janet! God Bless you. ☺

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24 Prayers for
Maria (me)
Pray for me
by Maria B. at 7:13 PM on Thu 6/2/2016
  Update #1 by Maria B. at 1:10 pm on Fri 6/3/2016  Thank you for the heads up, Angel.

Update #2 by Maria B. at 1:13 pm on Fri 6/3/2016  Amen,Janet.Thank you for that!

Original Prayer Request
Thank you for the heads up, Angel.

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